Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Why Not To Brush Hair when it’s Wet

You know that blow drying your hair can cause damage that may be difficult to correct. In an effort to thwart this damage, you should let your hair air dry whenever possible. However, you should also resist the urge to brush your hair when it’s wet.

You may be wondering why not to brush hair when it’s wet. The answer is simple, when hair is wet it is especially vulnerable to damage. Water weakens the weakest bonds within strands of hair, removing 1/3 of its strength. The simple act of brushing can lead to dire consequences in this weakened state.

More Prone to Breakage

When your hair is weakened, it’s more prone to breakage. Brushing is one of the roughest actions you can do to your hair, especially if it is long and tangles. Brushing wet hair will lead to significantly more broken strands than if you allowed the hair to dry before brushing it.


Oily hair is a drag, but dry hair is no picnic, either. Dry hair is dull hair, and it looks the same after you wash it as it did before. Everyone has bad hair days, but with dry hair you may have those days more often than not.

Along with dry hair, you may also have a dandruff problem. Although it's more often a condition associated with oily hair, people with dry hair get dandruff, too. Common dandruff is simply a layer of skin shedding from your scalp. When the skin cells get trapped on your scalp by your hair and clump together, you have dandruff. And dandruff can make your hair look dull.

Dry hair can result from external factors, such as exposure to harsh chemicals, or from internal causes, such as an illness. These are the primary external factors for those lackluster locks:

- Harsh shampoo
- Shampooing too often
- Hair dye
- Hair perms
- Chlorine in swimming pools and hot tubs
- Overuse of the blow dryer or curling iron
- Too much exposure to sun and wind
- High mineral content in local water supplies
External factors are easy to remedy. You just need to be careful about how you treat your hair, cutting back on activities that cause it to become dry. Switch products. Wear a cap when swimming. Cover your head when you're outside in the sun for prolonged periods. And use the kitchen cures in this profile.