Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Best home remedies for smooth and silky hair

Every woman dreams of smooth and silky hair, but in order to get beautiful hair, women need to protect their hair from harsh chemicals and instead nourish it with natural remedies. 

During the festive season, hair is prone to get damaged due to incessant blow drying, ironing, permanent straightening and hair dyes. Celebrity Hairdresser Asgar Saboo shares with us, expert tips on caring for your hair at home without having to pay for expensive treatments and latest conditioners and shampoos.

Best Home Remedies for Smooth and Silky Hair #1: Coconut Oil Hair Treatment
Coconut oil is a tried and tested treatment for thick, silky hair. If you are looking for a hair treatment that you don't need to wash out, then coconut oil is the one for you. Asgar says that during your everyday life, elements such as sun and rain, changing temperatures etc degrade the proteins in your hair. Using coconut oil could protect these proteins. Use sparingly though, as the greasy look is not desirable, you want just enough to create the glossy look. You can do this by filling up a spray bottle that diffuses the oil evenly.

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