Friday 1 August 2014

Is over-styling making you bald?

How to save your locks from an overdose of hair product and frenetic combing

By the age of 35, over 66 per cent of men show some signs of significant hair loss. The figures are a results of a UK study. Factors that cause hair loss include genetics, stress and weather conditions. But you may be joining hands with the enemy with over grooming your hair every day.

Are your efforts to sport the latest new hairdo worth losing your crowing glory by the age of 35? TOI tells you how you can reduce the damage while grooming your tresses.

Don't stress over it
Stop blaming your maternal grandfather and forget about why your genetics are causing you to lose hair. It is what it is and you have to deal with it no matter what the reason may be. Worrying about it will only add more emotional stress, and failing to reduce stress in your daily life will have a lasting effect on your hair.

Living in denial
Don't fret about the few strands of hair you find on your pillow. It's normal to lose up to 100 hair per day. However, it is important to take note if you find the quantity of hair loss increasing at an unnatural pace. Don't live in denial if the process has begun. Getting treatment during the early stages can help slow down the pace of hair loss.

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