Friday, 5 August 2016

Recipes worth taking calcium vitamin D3 "value for money"

(CalciK2) Nguyen Thanh Huong index (48, Go Vap District) often complains of pain in his back and flushing of people. Told close friends she was sure premenopausal syndrome and lack of calcium should drink milk and eat more calcium-rich foods right away. But did not see anything dangerous health so she did not care much.

3 months ago, she was falling, to the hospital. Now she knows her real calcium deficient. Doctors also recommend that you take calcium supplements to avoid dangerous complications later. Since then, she brought many positive crab, eggs, shrimp ... on the family meal to increase calcium naturally (she afraid to use calcium supplements because not trust the quality and prices were affected ). However, after 2 months of application of diet, she found the back pain more often, sometimes cramps.

Seeing such a long time that the state has not relieved mother, daughter, sister Huong very impatient. I go online to learn more about the disease and get advice about calcium supplementation products prestige and quality. She had heard many calcium tablets with vitamin K2 Denmark said that this kind of quite good, so I buy one box and try to convince her mother. Because the daughter should Huong also be taken regularly.

After approximately 1 month, Huong suddenly discovered the back pain does not seem to, nor cramps occur more frequently. She tells our son, the mother she was happier, responsible love: "Yet that day I begged the new mother nostalgic drink. Now and then, but the mother of all back pain are taken regularly to prevent it. "She was proud of her daughter:" May the good kind introduced themselves, rather than other kinds of vitamin K2 may not be effective, it is not so where, it is true that good value for money. "

The secret of Huong calcium supplements are dietary supplements containing calcium K2 from Denmark all the necessary nutrients for bones: calcium, vitamin D3, vitamin K2 and magnesium. In particular, vitamin K2 (vitamin K group won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1943) helps increase the ability to bind calcium to the skeleton, increase bone density and prevent effective deposition of calcium in the blood vessel walls.

According to the International Journal of the structure and function of bones (2012), the combination of the four components in Calci K2 has been scientifically proven to increase bone density in the spine and whole body higher than just calcium and vitamin D3 supplement. Therefore, calcium tablets produced in Denmark K2 effectively excel in:

- Additional calcium strengthens bones

- Helps prevent osteoporosis

- Support effective treatment of osteoporosis

Calcium K2 is produced by Nordic Health DAO (DAO NordicHealth) was researched and developed by scientists in Denmark, Sweden, Norway.

Manufactured in Jemo - Pharm A / S Denmark

 Official distributor: Company Limited Thien Minh Group

- City: 181A Dien Bien Phu, Da Kao Ward, District 1 - Tel: 08 38274130-0945 302 626

- Hanoi: 181 Xa Dan 2, Nam Dong Ward, Dong Da District - Phone: 0439 439406-0904 216,456


Products are currently sold in the pharmacy system nationwide.

Food is not medicine and replacing ineffective medicines.

Vitamin K2 helps bones when combined with calcium and vitamin D3

Calcium and vitamin D: the key to healthy bones

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