Tuesday 27 September 2016

10 great foods to help prevent hair loss

(Daonoridc) -To prevent and control the problem of hair loss, you should add the following foods to your daily menu.


Hair is composed primarily of protein, so it is not difficult to understand when it is considered the most important nutrients for healthy hair. Salmon, tuna, mackerel and cod are good sources of protein as well as omega 3. But why do not eat red meat protein to strengthen hair? Red meat, chicken and other protein-rich food sources are good as long as they do not contain too much fat. High-fat diet can increase testosterone levels in the body, leading to hair loss. The addition of protein is very important but you need to avoid too much fat food. That is why fish are foods that help prevent hair loss great.

Eggs and dairy products

If you are a vegetarian and are looking for high-protein foods for hair, the eggs and dairy products can help you. Just remember to control the fat and the food selection is good for health as yogurt or low-fat skim milk. Eggs and dairy products also provide enough vitamin A needed to produce quality lubricants for the scalp.

prevent hair fall


Food legumes provide enough protein to prevent hair loss. Another benefit is found in legumes such as hair loss by reducing the amount of vitamin E. Vitamin E in the parking lot serves as an antioxidant and enhances blood circulation in the scalp.

Whole grains

Whole grains have many benefits that can help prevent hair loss. Foods such as bread, flour and cereals contain vitamin B7 can help prevent hair loss and inhibit the formation of gray hair.


As mentioned above, chicken and poultry meat are protein-rich foods low in fat and prevent hair loss effect. In poultry meat also contain vitamin B3, this nutrient enhances blood circulation on the scalp.

Fruits rich in vitamin C

Vitamin C is found in oranges, melon yellow intestine, strawberries, kiwi act as antioxidants to help maintain skin and healthy hair. Vitamin C also plays an important role in helping the body absorb iron. Iron is a nutrient that effectively prevent hair loss.


Carrots are not only known to be good for the eyes, but also very good for the hair. Like eggs and dairy products, vitamin A in carrots is very important in helping the scalp creating profitable lubricant quality. The quality of this lubricant makes your hair healthy and shiny.


Shrimp and other foods rich in zinc is helpful in preventing hair loss. Enhance absorption of zinc will help your hair thinning. However, there are some studies suggest that if excessive zinc consumption will lead to hair loss due to increased testosterone levels. 11 mg per day of zinc supplementation is enough to prevent hair loss.


Please add nuts like almonds, walnuts and peanuts into your daily menu to prevent hair loss. These are not just nuts contain omega 3 fatty acids, but also rich in zinc.

The dark green vegetables

Spinach, broccoli and other dark green vegetables are rich in vitamin A and other C. As the other foods on this list, this vegetable stimulates the scalp to create natural moisturizer for the hair , which is beneficial oils.

Thanh Hang

(According Symtomfind)

ngan-vibration-tocHair Volume is considered an important part of the daily hair care for both women and men. Volume Hair drink every day to get the nutrients they help make hair thicker and healthier.

- Biotin: helps create healthy hair roots, which helps hair grow faster and thicker.

- Vitamin B5 has moisturizing effect to the hair, making hair soft and healthy.

- Zinc is a trace mineral necessary for the operation of many enzymes, especially in the hair follicle.

- At the trace mineral necessary for the synthesis of keratin fibers of the hair and the activities of many enzymes in the body.

- Apple extract contains phenolic compounds, particularly proanthocyanidin with antioxidant properties of free radicals, stimulate the growth of cells in the hair follicle.

- Millet extract: contains miliacin, fatty acids, protein, .amino acid, minerals needed for the growth of hair.

- Horsetail grass contains more silica, flavonoids, alkaloids, minerals, phenolic compounds, triterpenoid, saponins, phytosterols work to improve the structure and hair color, hair growth stimulant.

- L-cysteine: The keratin fibers are the main component of hair. Keratin is created by the sequence of amino acids linked together. Keratin type 1 contains the amino acid L-cysteine ​​high, so l-cysteine ​​is one of the important amino acids for the synthesis of hair keratin

- L-methionine: methionine is the amino acid which helps prevent disorders of the hair, skin and nails.

Hair Volume pill is a product of functional food line Nordic Health DAO researched and developed by scientists in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland. Hair Volume is the product of Legosan, Sweden.


- TP. Ho Chi Minh: 121/40 Nguyen Van Huong, Thao Dien Ward, District 2 - Phone: 08 302 626 0945 3519 3120-

- Hanoi: 181 Xa Dan 2, Nam Dong Ward, Dong Da District - Phone: 0439 439406-0904 216,456

Website: http://daonordic.com/

Products are currently sold in the pharmacy system nationwide.

Food is not medicine and replacing ineffective medicines.

5 ways to help hair grow faster

Experience hair loss with nutritional value

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