Friday 30 September 2016

10 Osteoarthritis care tips at home

(Daonordic) tail these are ways you can take care of their health at home osteoarthritis.

Actively campaigning

Many studies indicate that physical activity is one of the best ways to improve the quality of life. Exercise helps enhance energy, as muscles and bones become healthy, flexible joints.

Healthy diet

Studies have shown that many types of nutrients that can help relieve the symptoms of arthritis: vitamin C, especially in fruits and vegetables, omega-3 fatty acids in fish and fish oil. Should focus on foods that are beneficial to health than just focusing on nutrients.

Make sure your diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low fat dairy products, fish and lean meats such as turkey and pork belly. Besides, the consumption of healthy fats such as nuts and avocados, olive oil and canola oil.

Weight loss

Overweight will create great pressure to the joints such as the knees, spine, hips, ankles and feet. Therefore, weight loss can reduce the symptoms of arthritis.

Good night

A good night's sleep will help you cope with the pain and stress caused by arthritis. To sleep better, try to go to bed on time every day, not to put televisions and computers in the bedroom. If arthritis makes you uncomfortable during sleep, try using pillows to relieve pain.

Hot or cold packs bags

Apply heat packs can increase blood flow, reduce pain and stiffness. Apply cold packs to reduce swelling.


Pain control

Non-prescription drugs can reduce joint pain. One of the most common types is an analgesic acetaminophen because it does not cause stomach discomfort. However, if an overdose can have side effects, including liver problems.

Consult with your doctor about functional foods and supplements

Many functional foods have been tested for use in treating arthritis. If you use dietary supplements you may need to use it for 1 month or more until achieving results. People with arthritis also switched to treatment with acupuncture or massage. Acupuncture has been proven to be able to relieve pain and improve knee function. Massage increases blood flow.

Using the device support

The supported devices such as splints, braces and sticks can help reduce discomfort and prevent injury. Other items such as openers electric box lid and shower chairs also make your life easier.

Seeking support

Living with arthritis is not easy, so the arthritis patient should have someone around to share and help. Or they can find support groups online or arthritis in the region live.

Positive living

Spiritual outlook could bring big impact on how you feel. Every day do the things you love, even if you have arthritis, make time for friends. Let's focus on the ability of themselves and not to think about the deficiencies.

Hoang Van

(Source: WebMD)

FreeFlex line is the product of functional foods Nordic Health DAO are researched and developed by scientists in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland. CartiFlex is the product of Mezina A / S, Denmark.

FreeFlex suitable for people with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, who often sports athletes and active, who need prevention of arthritic diseases, polyarthritis, elderly people suffer from back pain, fatigue pillow.


- City: 121/40 Nguyen Van Huong, Thao Dien Ward, District 2 - Tel: (08) 3519 3120-0945 302 626

- Hanoi: 181 Xa Dan 2, Nam Dong Ward, Dong Da District - Tel: 0439 439406-0904 216,456


Products are currently sold in the pharmacy system nationwide.

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