Wednesday, 23 November 2016

The effects of pomegranate juice with prostate cancer

(Daonordic) -Some studies show that drinking pomegranate juice may slow the progression of prostate cancer.

For example, in a study on men with recurrent prostate cancer specific antigen and increase of the prostate, the researchers showed that drinking pomegranate juice can significantly slow down the speed antigen-specific growth of the prostate. This shows that cancer will progress slowed.

Another study showed that men who drank 237ml of pomegranate juice a day for 02 years, the period for antigen specificity of prostate doubles longer will other people. Other studies show that certain compounds of pomegranate juice is capable of inhibiting cell growth in prostate cancer in the laboratory.

If you choose to drink pomegranate juice, please consult your doctor first. Although pomegranate juice is generally safe, but there is evidence that it can affect the body if you are taking prescription drugs, including anticoagulants, treatment of high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Hoang Van

(According MayoClinic)

Flaxseed helps prevent and treat prostate cancer

Benefits of pumpkin seeds for prostate

Food health protection PROSTAMEN - Thrombocytopenia night - prostate appease


- To support and maintain the health of the urinary tract and prostate

- Preventing prostate hypertrophy

- Thrombocytopenia night

- Helps prevent prostate cancer

INGREDIENTS: Extract of pumpkin seeds (pumpkinseed) 1500mg, Flaxseed Extract (Flaxseed / linseed) 2250mg, Pomegranate Extract (Pomegranate) 1200mg, 10μg Vitamin D3, Vitamin E 10mg, 5mg Zinc, Selenium 30 microg


- Male adult at risk or have problems urinating, prostate; many times people nocturia, urination, urine intense, difficulty urinating.

- Men who want to maintain a healthy prostate.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Take 2 capsules per day with water

MADE IN Mezina A / S, Denmark

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