Sunday 12 June 2016

Diet and activities to prevent osteoarthritis

(CalciK2) -Mark though many studies show that maintaining a healthy weight is one of the key factors for the control and prevention of osteoarthritis, but without a specific guide diet as well as training support for people with this disease.

Healthy diet

The older you should eat less to maintain your weight. A healthy diet should be high in foods from plants. Approximately 2/3 of the food should be fruits, vegetables and whole grains. The remaining third is the type of low-fat or fat-free milk and lean meat protein.

Eat plenty of fresh fruits, frozen or dried fruit a day is essential, but limited fruit juice because they contain more sugar. The amount of fruit and fruit varies by age, gender and activity level, from ½ - 2 cups per day for adults. The amount of fruit can be 1 banana, 1 orange and ¼ cup dried peaches or other dried fruit.

Vegetables, especially dark green vegetables, assorted yellow vegetables, green beans, peas are essential for a healthy diet. Using vegetables also depends on the age, gender and activity level. Adults should eat 2-3 cups of vegetables each day with vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, peas, black beans ...

Daily breakfast should include whole grains such as wheat flour, oatmeal, brown rice flour and corn. Fiber in whole grains better than refined grains like white flour, white rice, white bread because they are high in fiber. Should eat about 85 grams of whole grains per day.

The products are rich in calcium are important in 1 healthy diet. Choose low-fat or fat-free milk, cheese, yogurt. Adults need about 3 cups of milk per day. 40 grams of cheese is equivalent to 1 cup of milk.

Besides calcium, vitamin D3, vitamin K2 and magnesium are also important for bone and joint health. The combination of these ingredients have been scientifically proven to work to help increase bone density in the spine and whole body higher than just calcium supplements and vitamin D3 (International Journal of bone structure and function , 2012). You can add 4 substances at the same time easily with Calcium tablets K2 from Denmark.

Protein include meat, poultry, fish, dry beans and peas, and other legumes and grains. Dried beans and peas vegetable group but remains a low-fat source of protein containing important. Grilled meat and fish will help reduce the amount of oils and fats in your diet.

Avoid foods high in fat Boa air, salt, sugar and alcohol restrictions

Exercises for hip osteoarthritis

Ride bike. Keep hips move will help increase range of motion. You can ride indoors. Adjust the bike to the foot is completely open when you touch the pedal. Bicycle correction lower will increase the prop when cycling. Start by pedal backwards. Exercise time beginning about 5 minutes and then increased to 20 minutes. Once you've become accustomed, go cycling forward.

Swimming can also help the body cope with degenerative hip disease. You can swim or simply walking in the pool or take part in water aerobics are effective.

Walking regularly is one of the easiest ways to control pain and maintain movement ability in people with hip osteoarthritis. Try walking 20 minutes, 5 days / week. You can walk or jog outdoors on the machine.

Raise legs. To be able to perform the exercises stirrups, lie prone on the floor. Straddle the healthy hips. Section bent leg hip knee osteoarthritis to form one angle of 90 degrees. Lift your right leg up degenerated hips off the floor about 2.5 cm. Hold for 5 seconds. Perform 20 times a day.

Thanh Hang

(According to Livestrong and Arthritistoday)

Calcium K2 (product of Denmark) is the combination of calcium, vitamin K2, vitamin D3, magnesium works :.
- Additional calcium strengthens bones

- Helps prevent osteoporosis

- Support effective treatment of osteoporosis

Particularly suitable for children, who have little exposure to sunlight, pre-menopausal women, menopause, men over 50 years old.

- Calcium is the most important ingredients to create bones, reducing the risk of osteoporosis, increase bone density and strengthens bones.

 - Vitamin D3 helps absorption of calcium into bones. Vitamin D3 is essential for the synthesis of osteocalcin protein. This protein attaches to function bearing bone calcium, increasing calcium absorption. However, if no vitamin K2, the protein will not work.

 - Vitamin K2 increased efficiency associated calcium into bones. Vitamin K2 helps osteocalcin protein capable of carrying calcium attached to the skeleton, thereby increasing the ratio of calcium to be absorbed into the bone, increasing bone density.

- Magnesium: bone mineral balance, needed for bone formation, solid bones.

Products are currently sold in pharmacies nationwide.

Official distributor: Company Limited Thien Minh Group

- Ho Chi Minh City: 181A Dien Bien Phu, Da Kao Ward, Q.1- Phone: (08) 3827 4130-0945 30 26 26

- Hanoi: 181 Xa Dan 2, Nam Dong Ward, Dong Da District - Phone: (04) 3943 9406-0904 21 64 56



Only calcium can not prevent osteoporosis

These foods prevent osteoporosis and arthritis

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